Book of Faith is a series of Bible studies from Augsburg Fortress, responding to the ELCA’s call to encourage all members of congregations to engage with the Bible. The Book of Faith series takes a grassroots approach to invite people to join the conversation about scripture, using four lenses: devotional, theological, historical, and literary. Many Book of Faith Bible studies were made to match specific times in the three-year Revised Common Lectionary. The following Bible studies are suited to year C, which will be the lectionary year in 2022.
The Gospel of Luke invites us to explore the story of Jesus and his mission as God's Chosen One (Messiah). From the joyous accounts of Jesus' birth in a manger in Bethlehem to the stark images of Golgotha to the eye-opening meal at Emmaus, we are invited into a remarkable story. This course invites participants into rich discovery as they explore key stories and events of this Gospel. View the Learner Guide and Leader Guide.
For many in the church, Revelation is a confusing book. Martin Luther himself thought the images in Revelation were incomprehensible and found the book's meaning unclear. It is a book that disturbs us and, especially given many popular interpretations, frightens us. The bizarre, confusing images, however, have inspired poets and artists, musicians and movie-makers. They also offer us glimpses into who Jesus is and who we are called to be in response. The 6 sessions in this Bible study explore the following images of Christ found in Revelation. View the Learner Guide, Leader Guide, and Preaching Supports.
Participants in this 4-session Bible study will look at selected Lectionary texts from 1 Corinthians and explore what it means for the church to live as Christ's body in the world. Through reading Scripture, informed conversation and activities designed to engage many types of adult learners, participants will deepen their engagement with and understanding of Scripture. View the Learner Guide, Leader Guide, and Preaching Supports.
Note that Sundays after Pentecost begin with Lectionary 12 in 2022. This 6-session Bible study explores the Lectionary readings from the Gospel of Luke for Lectionary 10-15 (Year C). Groups already doing a lectionary-based Bible study may find this study an interesting complement to their existing Bible study programming. View the Learner Guide, Leader Guide, and Preaching Supports.
The book of Psalms contains one hundred-fifty prayers, songs, liturgies, and poems that are divided into five smaller books. The Psalms displays the highs and lows of the life of faith. This study takes 6 big questions based in the text and challenges participants to explore this complex book thoughtfully together. View the Learner Guide, Leader Guide, and Preaching Supports.