We're Devoted to Devotionals!

Oct 17, 2024 10:30:00 AM / by Karin Berdahl

At Augsburg Fortress, we’ve been publishing devotionals for decades to guide faithful Christians in deepening their connection to God and God’s Word. Here’s a quick tour to help you find one that’s right for you! 

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FREE Weekly Devotional Email 

Each Monday we send a devotion based on the previous day’s text to folks who have signed up for this free email. Interested in signing up? Click here to receive devotional content in your inbox each week. 

 Quarterly Subscription Devotionals 

Augsburg Fortress's two quarterly subscription devotionals are designed to accompany you in this daily faith practice. The quarterly format delivers a new set of daily devotions every three months, giving you fresh inspiration and seasonal insights. Christ in our Home makes it easy to interact with the word on a daily basis. The Word in Season offers a more modern lens of daily practice. Both follow the Revised Common Lectionary and are available in pocket-size, large print, and digital formats. Affordably priced for single subscribers, quantity discounts are also available. To begin your subscription, call our Sales and Service team at 1-800-328-4648. 

Seasonal Devotionals 

We offer Advent and Lenten devotionals each year. Good News, Great Joy: Devotions for Advent and Christmas 2024-2025 includes daily devotions from the first Sunday of Advent (December 1) through Epiphany (January 6) using Year C scripture readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. Life Renewed: Devotions for Lent 2025 includes daily devotions for the Lenten season from Ash Wednesday (March 5) to the day of resurrection (April 19). These seasonal devotional entries feature a scripture, reading to ponder, reflection, and prayer. Seasonal devotionals are available in pocket size, large print, and ebook versions to accommodate many audiences. 

Annual Devotionals 

Bread for the Day: Daily Bible Readings and Prayers, Year C 2025 is daily devotional treasure trove. This book provides a daily entry featuring a scripture reading, prayer, and hymn for every day of 2025. It dives deep into the church seasons, offering introductions and prayers specialized for each season along with household blessings for special times throughout the year. With pages for recording your own prayer requests, this devotional can become a central part of your daily faith journey in 2025. 

Author-based Devotionals 

Do you have a favorite author, activist, or spiritual leader whose works you would like to meditate on? Let us introduce you to our 30- and 40-day journey series! Walk alongside Maya Angelou, Dorothy Day, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Julian of Norwich, Joan Chittister, and more as you ponder their works and actions. Each book contains a short introduction to the life of the leader and 30 or 40 chapters, each including a reading from the subject's writings, scripture selections, a journal-writing exercise, and a prayer. Each book is a rich resource for personal meditation or small group discussion anytime but is especially valuable during Advent or Lent. 

Are you a fan of Martin Luther’s teachings? There’s a devotional for that! Day by Day We Magnify You is now revised and available as a paperback edition. Its daily meditations are drawn from Martin Luther's sermons and other works. The readings are arranged according to the church year and organized under a central theme for each week. Each daily meditation concludes with a prayer, a biblical verse, or a question to ponder. 

Augsburg Fortress is excited to offer these devotionals to support your faith needs throughout a day, a season, a quarter, or the whole year. Head over to our webstore to see even more options! 


Topics: Devotional, Weekly Devotional, Advent, devotions, Faith Resources, Lent, Martin Luther, daily bread, Journey, Annual Devotional

Karin Berdahl

Written by Karin Berdahl

Karin is a Marketing Communication Specialist at Augsburg Fortress Publishers.

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