As fall programming resumes in church buildings and a new year of learning resumes in school..
This summer Augsburg Fortress hosted five music clinics around the country, featuring the talent..
Susan Palo Cherwien authored 123 hymn texts in her 68 years. 102 of them in were published in three..
Bread for the Day: Daily Bible Readings and Prayersis a sweet little Bible devotional that keeps..
Many of us are familiar with the hymn “Calm to the Waves” by Mary Louise Bringle and Thomas..
“Sing with all the people of God.” The title of this handbook from the Revelation canticle (“This..
Sundays and Seasons: Preaching is an annual resource that serves as a companion to Sundays and..
Are you an organist looking for introductions and alternate accompaniments for hymns, especially..
Since ancient times, the mosaic art form has been a rich source of inspiration. Small bits of glass..
Each week, Augsburg Fortress offers a 300-word gospel devotion from Sundays and Seasons that..