Augsburg Fortress

Engage Kids in Congregational Song

By Augsburg Fortress August 23, 2022

As Christians, singing is one of the main ways we praise God and build community, but sometimes it..

Use Hymns to Normalize a Range of Emotions

By Augsburg Fortress August 16, 2022

Many of us were raised to hide our emotions or to view our feelings as inconvenient. This is..

Help Kids Imagine God Expansively

By Augsburg Fortress August 9, 2022

The Bible offers a huge and beautiful array of images for God, but too often we fall back on the..

Please Update Your Account Information on

By Augsburg Fortress June 16, 2022

It’s time to do some account hygiene on your account! We need accurate..

6 Books on Supporting People with Mental Illness

By Augsburg Fortress March 8, 2022

Christianity has a checkered history when it comes to supporting those who live with mental..

6 Books on Social Justice for Clergy and Congregations

By Augsburg Fortress February 8, 2022

Perhaps, like many congregations, your congregation includes many individuals with a lot of..

16 Books by Black Authors about Race, Religion, and Culture

By Augsburg Fortress February 1, 2022

Any time of the year is a good time to support Black authors and learn about Black theology,..

13 Books about Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement

By Augsburg Fortress January 13, 2022

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an incredibly important figure in the Civil Rights Movement..

5 Leadership Development Books for Clergy

By Augsburg Fortress January 13, 2022

Ministry and leadership are practices, and as such they require practice. Pastors and other church..

Grace Unbounded: Devotions for Lent 2022

By Augsburg Fortress January 11, 2022

On a sabbath day in the synagogue at Nazareth, Jesus read these words from Isaiah: “The Spirit of..


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