Augsburg Fortress

7 Books on Leading Change in the Church

By Augsburg Fortress December 14, 2021

Whether we think about the pandemic, recent technological shifts, or declining church attendance,..

7 Books for Clergy Renewal and Self-Care

By Augsburg Fortress November 18, 2021

Being a clergyperson is demanding, to say the least. Burnout can be difficult to avoid and also..

Augsburg Fortress Faces Delays in Inventory and Shipping

By Augsburg Fortress October 4, 2021

Augsburg Fortress, along with many other retailers worldwide, is currently experiencing delays in..

The Work of Susan Palo Cherwien

By Augsburg Fortress September 23, 2021

Susan Palo Cherwien is a poet and musician whose hymn texts appear in denominational hymnals in the..

The Work of Gail Ramshaw

By Augsburg Fortress September 9, 2021

Gail Ramshaw is one of today's most important and influential thinkers about liturgy. She is also a..

Word & World Books from Fortress Press and Luther Seminary

By Augsburg Fortress July 12, 2021

The Word & World book series, now in its fourth year of development, is a partnership between..

Supporting Your Ministry with Sundays and Seasons

By Augsburg Fortress July 6, 2021

Here at Augsburg Fortress, the question “How can we support your ministry?” guides our development..

Book of Faith Bible Studies for Year C 2022

By Augsburg Fortress June 24, 2021

Book of Faith is a series of Bible studies from Augsburg Fortress, responding to the ELCA’s call to..


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